Monday, March 13, 2017

The Safety Stigma


 Some employees do not like change, being told what to do, what not to do or how to do it. Many times, the Safety Technician is the "bad" guy. Safety is a growing field and that is actually a good thing, but it is often a stigma in some people's mind. It used to be that companies had very little regard for safety nor did they have many safety policies. They would actually expect a certain number of deaths and accidents during a job or project. How would you like to work for a company like that? One that sets aside X number of dollars to pay to spouses and family members if someone is killed or seriously injured?

     Today, we have Federal laws for safety through OSHA and other regulatory agencies. There are always better procedures and equipment coming out for safety. However, people become complacent or just get in a hurry sometimes and then accidents occur. What are your views on Safety? Is it something you appreciate or begrudge? Step back, and get a fresh perspective on safety, it is for your own good and the good of your family and friends.

     Now let's shift our focus to Biblically related standards. Do you resist the teachings of the Pastor, church leadership or your parents (if you are underage)? Do you think these rules/ideas not apply to you? Do you think they are old fashioned, unnecessary or unrelated to today's society?

     On the contrary, standards are more relevant and needed than ever. Be thankful your Pastor, church leaders and parents do not want to see you hurt. There are many dangers out there today, be wise and safe. Step back and take a fresh look at standards, they are for your safety and protection. Do not let standards become a stigma, let them become the protector of your heart. Other people rely on you, don't let them become an accident because of your disregard  or complacency for standards. What are your views on standards? Maybe it's time for a fresh perspective.

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