Wednesday, March 8, 2017

A Multitude of Council

As a worker, you sometimes have to see beyond the rules and regulations to see the heart of the matter. Sometimes people get lost in a maze of OSHA laws, company safety policies and individual opinions about what is best. There is a multitude of council to consider and things can vary from country to country, company to company and individual to individual.  Don't look at safety as red tape or legalese that someone wrote for job jargon, look at it as your guide and protection from incidents.

The same can be said of Biblical standards, they are your safety from carnal actions and exposure to sin. Just like in the physical, we can find "safety in a multitude of council." Standards are guidelines to guard the condition of the heart. They keep you away from at risk conditions (situations that promote carnality/sin) and at risk behaviors (actions that lead to carnality/sin).

Standards are not rules of conformity, they are barricades that help guard your heart. The proper perspective on standards will set up the framework for your interaction with God, the ministry, saints and people outside of the church. Do not let Godly standards become a hindrance or handicap, let them become your shining armor protecting your clean heart and right spirit.

Proverbs 11:14 KJV  Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counselors there is safety.

Don't begrudge spiritual standards, because in them There Is Safety.

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