Saturday, March 4, 2017

Plunging to your Death

Recently a worker fell from 25 feet while doing repair/inspection of a local bridge. I do not know all the details of what, how or why. A little bit can be read here

Not only are some job tasks dangerous but sometimes situations we find ourselves in spiritually can be too. There are certain safety protocols when working off the ground such as the most basic wearing a harness and tying off to something sturdy. Everyone should be told of the dangers, shown how to adjust and wear the harness properly and examples of what to attach to. If there is nothing sturdy enough to tie off to, a life line can be erected.

Before all jobs begin, a Job Safety Analysis (JSA) must be conducted by all workers. Any recognizable hazard must be eliminated or minimized to remove the hazardous conditions. The proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) must be work in accordance to manufacturers guidelines.

Just like work, we must protect ourselves spiritually also. We should evaluate our lives and look for potentially dangerous situations and eliminate them or minimize risk by applying wisdom, scripture and proper doctrinal standards. Don't go blindly into something and plunge to your death.

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