Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Near Misses

Image result for near miss

Look at picture and you will see 300 incidents can turn into 29 minor injuries and 1 major injury/death.  If you are having a lot of near misses, eventually you will have some minor injuries and one serious one.

The following is from Wikipedia...

Near miss (safety)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Close call" redirects here. For the 2002 film, see Close Call.
A near miss, "close call", or "nearly a collision" is an unplanned event that has the potential to cause, but does not actually result in human injury, environmental or equipment damage, or an interruption to normal operation.[citation needed]
A near miss is often an error, with harm prevented by other considerations and circumstances.[1]
The phrase "near miss" should not be confused with the phrases "nearly a miss" or "they nearly missed" which would imply a collision.


Most safety activities are reactive and not proactive. Many organizations wait for losses to occur before taking steps to prevent a recurrence. Near miss incidents often precede loss producing events but are largely ignored because nothing (no injury, damage or loss) happened. Employees are not enlightened to report these close calls as there has been no disruption or loss in the form of injuries or property damage. Thus, many opportunities to prevent the accidents that the organization has not yet had are lost. Recognizing and reporting near miss incidents can make a major difference to the safety of workers within organizations. History has shown repeatedly that most loss producing events (accidents) were preceded by warnings or near accidents, sometimes also called close calls, narrow escapes or near hits.[4]
In terms of human lives and property damage, near misses are cheaper, zero-cost learning opportunities (compared to learning from actual injury or property loss events)
Getting a very high number of near misses is the goal as long as that number is within the organization's ability to respond and investigate - otherwise it is merely a paperwork exercise and a waste of time; it is possible to achieve a ratio of 100 near misses reported per loss event.[5]
Achieving and investigating a high ratio of near misses will find the causal factors and root causes of potential future accidents, resulting in about 95% reduction in actual losses.[5]
An ideal near miss event reporting system includes both mandatory (for incidents with high loss potential) and voluntary, non-punitive reporting by witnesses. A key to any near miss report is the "lesson learned". Near miss reporters can describe what they observed of the beginning of the event, and the factors that prevented loss from occurring.
The events that caused the near miss are subjected to root cause analysis to identify the defect in the system that resulted in the error and factors that may either amplify or ameliorate the result.[citation needed]
To prevent the near miss from happening again, the organization must institute teamwork training, feedback on performance and a commitment to continued data collection and analysis, a process called continuous improvement.[citation needed]
Near misses are smaller in scale, relatively simpler to analyze and easier to resolve. Thus, capturing near misses not only provides an inexpensive means of learning, but also has some equally beneficial spin offs:[citation needed]
Captures sufficient data for statistical analysis; trending studies.
Provides immense opportunity for "employee participation," a basic requirement for a successful workplace health and safety program. This embodies principles of behavior shift, responsibility sharing, awareness, and incentives.
One of the primary workplace problems near miss incident reporting attempts to solve directly or indirectly is to try to create an open culture whereby everyone shares and contributes in a responsible manner. Near-Miss reporting has been shown to increase employee relationships and encourage teamwork in creating a safer work environment.[6]

To see more about near misses from Wikipedia visit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Near_miss_(safety)

Now let's look at the spiritual aspects of near misses. If you, your youth group, church etc is having a lot of near misses, you need to correct the issues involving these situations and find the root cause of these incidents. If you do not correct the root cause there will be many people affected by sin and possibly one seriously that may back slide completely. Remember the illustration, 300 near misses will become 29 minor situations an 1 serious one. That one serious issue many result in a spiritual death of someone.

Please do not ignore the warning signs, someone's eternity depends on it.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

P.A.S.S. Technique

There are basically 5 classifications of fires. One was added a while back but not as well known. 

They are as follows:

Class A  Ordinary combustibles such as paper, plastic wood etc.

Class B  Flammable liquids such as gas, kerosene and diesel etc.

Class C  Electrical components and wiring such as computers etc.

Class D  Flammable metals.

Class K  Commercial cookers/fryers with grease.

Some of these need specific extinguishers. The class of fire an extinguisher can be used on will be on the extinguisher itself. Never place a fire between yourself and an exist, always leave a safe path of escape.

To use an extinguisher use the PASS method.

Pull the pin.
Aim at the base of the fire.
Squeeze the trigger.
Sweep side to side.

Spiritually, just like physically we can get into the path of fiery darts the devil throws at us. Always leave yourself a way of escape. Never put anything between yourself and God. If you find yourself under attach, use the PUSH method.

The PUSH method is as follows.


Some issues need prayer and fasting.

God Bless,

Carl Stanton 

Monday, March 13, 2017

The Safety Stigma


 Some employees do not like change, being told what to do, what not to do or how to do it. Many times, the Safety Technician is the "bad" guy. Safety is a growing field and that is actually a good thing, but it is often a stigma in some people's mind. It used to be that companies had very little regard for safety nor did they have many safety policies. They would actually expect a certain number of deaths and accidents during a job or project. How would you like to work for a company like that? One that sets aside X number of dollars to pay to spouses and family members if someone is killed or seriously injured?

     Today, we have Federal laws for safety through OSHA and other regulatory agencies. There are always better procedures and equipment coming out for safety. However, people become complacent or just get in a hurry sometimes and then accidents occur. What are your views on Safety? Is it something you appreciate or begrudge? Step back, and get a fresh perspective on safety, it is for your own good and the good of your family and friends.

     Now let's shift our focus to Biblically related standards. Do you resist the teachings of the Pastor, church leadership or your parents (if you are underage)? Do you think these rules/ideas not apply to you? Do you think they are old fashioned, unnecessary or unrelated to today's society?

     On the contrary, standards are more relevant and needed than ever. Be thankful your Pastor, church leaders and parents do not want to see you hurt. There are many dangers out there today, be wise and safe. Step back and take a fresh look at standards, they are for your safety and protection. Do not let standards become a stigma, let them become the protector of your heart. Other people rely on you, don't let them become an accident because of your disregard  or complacency for standards. What are your views on standards? Maybe it's time for a fresh perspective.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Hazard Communication

Today's post will discuss the Employee's Right To Know regarding hazardous chemicals found in the workplace.

This is a quote from OSHA 1910.1200(a)(2) on regulations concerning hazard communication for chemicals. "This occupational safety and health standard is intended to address comprehensively the issue of classifying the potential hazards of chemicals, and communicating information concerning hazards and appropriate protective measures to employees, and to preempt any legislative or regulatory enactments of a state, or political subdivision of a state, pertaining to this subject. Classifying the potential hazards of chemicals and communicating information concerning hazards and appropriate protective measures to employees, may include, for example, but is not limited to, provisions for: developing and maintaining a written hazard communication program for the workplace, including lists of hazardous chemicals present; labeling of containers of chemicals in the workplace, as well as of containers of chemicals being shipped to other workplaces; preparation and distribution of safety data sheets to employees and downstream employers; and development and implementation of employee training programs regarding hazards of chemicals and protective measures. Under section 18 of the Act, no state or political subdivision of a state may adopt or enforce any requirement relating to the issue addressed by this Federal standard, except pursuant to a Federally-approved state plan."

You have the right to know what dangers lurk in chemicals found on your job site. You also have the right to know about spiritual dangers in your life. Just like chemicals you encounter at work, you can encounter spirits in your daily routine. Some of the evil influences in the world are not as noticeable as others. Be careful, some may seem innocent but are not. A few examples that are common and easily recognized are palm reading, fortune tellers, horoscopes, and Ouija boards that expose you to evil spirits. They are like rotting meats emitting a foul odor in the physical realm that draws flies and scavengers. In the spiritual realm there is also a drawing of evil spirits and foul doctrines. If your pastor warns you of something, take heed, he may know of dangers you do not. I think some people agree most of these things should be avoided, but what about others that seem ok? The Bible says to test it...1 John 4:1 KJV Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

There are many false doctrines, deceiving spirits and false prophets out there, be on guard and alert to their devices that try to draw you into their lair. These doctrines, spirits and false prophets are like hazardous chemicals and they can harm you. God wants you to know about them and be wise.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

A Multitude of Council

As a worker, you sometimes have to see beyond the rules and regulations to see the heart of the matter. Sometimes people get lost in a maze of OSHA laws, company safety policies and individual opinions about what is best. There is a multitude of council to consider and things can vary from country to country, company to company and individual to individual.  Don't look at safety as red tape or legalese that someone wrote for job jargon, look at it as your guide and protection from incidents.

The same can be said of Biblical standards, they are your safety from carnal actions and exposure to sin. Just like in the physical, we can find "safety in a multitude of council." Standards are guidelines to guard the condition of the heart. They keep you away from at risk conditions (situations that promote carnality/sin) and at risk behaviors (actions that lead to carnality/sin).

Standards are not rules of conformity, they are barricades that help guard your heart. The proper perspective on standards will set up the framework for your interaction with God, the ministry, saints and people outside of the church. Do not let Godly standards become a hindrance or handicap, let them become your shining armor protecting your clean heart and right spirit.

Proverbs 11:14 KJV  Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counselors there is safety.

Don't begrudge spiritual standards, because in them There Is Safety.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Danger High Voltage ***Do Not Touch***

Electricity is an awesome thing, we use it in our daily lives for many things. However, there is danger lurking in power lines.  If you need to work around power lines, maintain 10 feet of distance between yourself, your ladder and any equipment with power lines up to 50,000 volts and additional space for higher voltage. Heed the warning signs and DO NOT TOUCH.

If you can disable the power and release any energy beforehand, do so. Metal ladders conduct electricity so fiberglass ones should be used. Don't take electricity for granted and maintain a safe distance.

A similar thing can be found in our lives and can be just as dangerous spiritually as electricity is physically and those are hormones. Hormones are like spent up energy and touching can lead to an uncontrolled release. It used to be a common thing to hear about the 6 Inch Rule which states members of the opposite sex should maintain a 6 inch clearance between each other. This is good for all ages and situations, but especially during dating/courting in teens and young adults.

When members of the opposite sex begin flirting, touching or "petting" these hormones rise creating a dangerous atmosphere for sin to manifest itself in. 1 Corinthians 7:1 ...it is good for a man not to touch a woman.

Until you are legally married, that person is not your spouse, DO NOT TOUCH.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Plunging to your Death

Recently a worker fell from 25 feet while doing repair/inspection of a local bridge. I do not know all the details of what, how or why. A little bit can be read here http://www.12newsnow.com/news/local/worker-takes-25-foot-fall-at-rainbow-bridge/416954386

Not only are some job tasks dangerous but sometimes situations we find ourselves in spiritually can be too. There are certain safety protocols when working off the ground such as the most basic wearing a harness and tying off to something sturdy. Everyone should be told of the dangers, shown how to adjust and wear the harness properly and examples of what to attach to. If there is nothing sturdy enough to tie off to, a life line can be erected.

Before all jobs begin, a Job Safety Analysis (JSA) must be conducted by all workers. Any recognizable hazard must be eliminated or minimized to remove the hazardous conditions. The proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) must be work in accordance to manufacturers guidelines.

Just like work, we must protect ourselves spiritually also. We should evaluate our lives and look for potentially dangerous situations and eliminate them or minimize risk by applying wisdom, scripture and proper doctrinal standards. Don't go blindly into something and plunge to your death.